In order to start your DynaRisk experience, please visit this page and select the desired plan by clicking the Buy now button below the plan description.
You will be transferred to the sign up page where you will have to enter necessary personal details and create your password (please remember about password requirements: at least 8 characters, upper/lower cases, numbers, special characters). Proceed by clicking the Continue button.
On the next page you can learn about our terms and conditions. Once that’s finished, click Accept and continue button.
An email with activation link has been sent to the email address provided by you on the sign up page. Simply enter it an click the Verify email address button.
After verification is complete you will find yourself on the log in page.
Submit the email address you’ve used during the registration and the password you have created.
Next enter the discount code (if you have one) and click Apply code button.
On the next page your selected plan will be displayed. Click Select plan to proceed.
You will be shown a Welcome to DynaRisk page where you will start your journey to improve your cyber security level. Start with clicking the Start scan button. We will now scan your device, router, operating system, browser for vulnerabilities and also check our Breach Database, consisting of 16.5 billion records, if your email address has been exposed in one of the data leaks.
After the scans have finished their work, you will have to answer some questions in our assessment.
Once you’ve answered all the questions you will be redirected to your Dashboard (consider taking our dashboard tour if you feel like it or explore it by yourself!) where you will be presented with your Cyber Security Score, guidelines on how to improve your score, information about active scanning features such as Vulnerability Scan, Data Breach Scan and Router Scan and also I think I’ve been hacked button which transfers you to our support contact form where you will be able to request help from our support team via email or by calling our free-of-charge support line.