Log in to admin.google.com

Select Apps

Go to Google Workspace

Choose Gmail

Click Advanced Settings

Click Content Compliance

  1. Check the Inbound box in the Email messages to affect section:





  1. Create an expression rule

    1. If ANY of the following match the message
    2. Advanced content match
    3. Location > Full headers
    4. Match type > Contains text
    5. Content > X-PHISHALLOW



  1. Next, do the following

Under Spam check the Bypass spam filter for this message box:



In the Spam section, go to Email whitelist


Separated by commas, enter our IP addresses:


Go to Inbound gateway and make sure you copy this settings:

Save the settings. 

Please take the time for the rules to take affect before testing (this make take several moments)

NOTE: If you are using G Suite Legacy, whitelisting capabilities may be limited and you may not be able to fully whitelist Portal. G Suite Legacy is a free G Suite version that was offered by Google prior to December 2012. For more info on G Suite Legacy, please see Google's article here: https://support.google.com/a/answer/2855120?hl=en